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HYMENOPTERA, Diprionidae (Tenthredinoidea)


Please refer also to the following links for details on this group: 


     Diprionidae = Link 1


          The Diprionidae are a small family of sawflies that feed on confers, and thus the common name conifer sawflies.  This is even though other Symphyta feed on conifers.  They are restricted to the Northern Hemisphere, with about 93 species in 11 genera worldwide. The larvae are often gregarious, and sometimes there can be major outbreaks, thus these wasps can be major pests.


          The family is distinctive in having antennae with about 20 flagellomeres, and serrated or pectinated shapes.


References:   Please refer to  <biology.ref.htm>, [Additional references may be found at:  MELVYL Library]